


Quebec has introduced new immigration pilot programs aimed at addressing critical labor shortages in several essential sectors. These programs are specifically tailored for:

    • Food Industry Workers
    • Orderlies (Healthcare Workers)
    • Technology Workers

Purpose of the Programs

The primary objective of these pilot programs is to attract skilled workers to Quebec, thereby filling vital roles and supporting the province's economic growth and stability.

Key Benefits

    • Address Labor Shortages: These programs are designed to fill essential positions that are currently experiencing significant labor shortages.
    • Support Economic Growth: By bringing in skilled workers, these programs help sustain and boost Quebec's economy.
    • Enhance Industry Capabilities: Strengthening key industries by ensuring they have the necessary workforce to operate efficiently.

Eligibility Criteria

To assist you in determining your eligibility for these pilot programs, we have provided a detailed guide on this comprehensive CanadaVisa page. Here, you will find specific requirements and criteria for each program, ensuring you have all the necessary information to apply successfully.

Explore these pilot programs to see if you qualify, and take the first step towards contributing to Quebec's vibrant and dynamic workforce.

Overview of Quebec's Pilot Programs

Purpose and Development

Quebec has established new pilot programs to address labor shortages in several key sectors. These initiatives are specifically designed to attract the necessary talent to support the province's economic and social needs.

Administering Body

MIFIwhich is also known as The Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration is responsible for these programs. MIFI aims to facilitate the integration of skilled workers into the Quebec workforce through these targeted initiatives.

Quebec Selection Certificates (QSC)

    • Annual Quota: MIFI plans to issue Quebec Selection Certificates (QSC) to up to 600 principal applicants per year, plus their accompanying family members.
    • Targeted Sectors: The focus is on critical areas experiencing significant labor shortages.

Duration of the Programs

    • Start Date: November 2023
    • End Date: January 1, 2026

These programs are a temporary but strategic measure to ensure Quebec remains competitive and can meet its labor demands effectively.

By addressing labor shortages through these pilot programs, Quebec aims to strengthen its workforce and enhance its economic stability, confirming the jurisdiction/ province continues to prosper and grow.

Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Workers in Food Processing

Program Overview

Permanent Immigration Pilot Program in Quebec for Workers in Food Processing provides a pathway to permanent residency for temporary foreign workers employed in eligible roles within the food processing sector. This initiative aims to bolster the workforce in this critical industry.

Application Period

    • Start Date: November 23, 2023
    • End Date: December 31, 2024, or until the application cap is reached

General Requirements

To qualify for this pilot program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

    • Age: Must be 18 years or older.
    • Settlement Intent: Must intend to settle and work in Quebec.
    • Compliance: Must have met all conditions of their stay in Quebec.
    • Financial Self-Sufficiency: Must demonstrate the ability to financially support themselves for at least the first three months after arriving in Quebec.

This program is designed to attract and retain skilled workers in the food processing sector, ensuring they have the opportunity to contribute to Quebec's economy and secure a permanent future in the province.

Education and Work Experience Requirements for the Permanent Immigration Pilot Program

Education Requirements

To be eligible for this pilot program, applicants must possess:

    • Educational Qualification: A diploma equivalent to at least a high school diploma or a Quebec vocational diploma obtained through a full-time study program of at least one year.

Work Experience Requirements

Candidates must also fulfil one of the subsequentstandardsvis-à-vis work experience:

    • Current Employment: Hold a full-time job in an eligible sector in Quebec.
    • Past Employment: Have worked in a full-time, paid position for a minimumof 24 months in an entitledsegment in Quebec within the 36 months preceding the application date.

Eligible Sectors

The relevant work experience or current employment must fall within one of the following sectors as classified by the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) of the Government of Canada:

    • NAICS 311: Food Manufacturing
    • NAICS 3121: Beverage Manufacturing

Language Requirements

Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in French, corresponding to level 7 advanced intermediate, on the Échellequébécoise des niveaux de compétenceenfrançais des personnesimmigrantesadultes, or an equivalent standard.

Meeting these educations, work experience, and language criteria is essential for applicants seeking permanent residency through Quebec's pilot program for food processing workers, ensuring they are well-prepared to contribute to the province's economy and community.

Targeted Occupations for the Permanent Immigration Pilot Program

Eligible Occupations

Applicants' work experience or current employment must align with one of the subsequentprofessionsbelow the National Occupational Classification:

    • NOC 94141: Industrial Butchers and Meat Cutters, Poultry Preparers, and Related Workers
    • NOC 95106: Food and Beverage Processing Labourers
    • NOC 95107:Labourers in Fish and Seafood Processing
    • NOC 65311: Specialty Cleaners
    • NOC 94140: Machine and Process Operators in Food and Beverage Processing
    • NOC 85100:Labourers in the Care of Livestock, specifically for the role of Chicken Gatherer
    • NOC 94142: Workers in Fish and Seafood Processing Plants

Eligible Sectors

The work experience or current job must also fall within one of these sectors, as defined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) of the Government of Canada:

    • NAICS 311: Food Manufacturing
    • NAICS 3121: Beverage Manufacturing

To qualify for Quebec's Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for food processing workers, applicants must ensure their work experience or current job corresponds to one of the specified NOC occupations and falls within the eligible NAICS sectors. This alignment ensures the program effectively addresses the labor needs within these critical industries.

Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Orderlies

Program Overview

Quebec's Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Orderlies provides a pathway to permanent resident status in Canada for those already living in Quebec and employed as orderlies, nurse aides, or patient service associates. This program is divided into two distinct streams:

    • Work Stream
    • Work-Study Stream

Application Period

    • Start Date: November 23, 2023
    • End Date: December 31, 2024, or until the maximum number of applications is reached

General Requirements for Both Streams

To be eligible for either stream, applicants must meet the following criteria:

    • Age: 18 years or older.
    • Settlement Intent: Must intend to settle in Quebec and work for a company over which they have no director de facto control or indirect legal.
    • Compliance: Must have met all conditions of their stay in Quebec.
    • Financial Self-Sufficiency: Must demonstrate the ability to support themselves financially for at least the first three months after arriving in Quebec.
    • Language Proficiency: Must demonstrate French language proficiency at level 7 which is advanced intermediate on the Échellequébécoise des niveaux de compétenceen français des personnes immigrant esadultes.

This pilot program is designed to recognize and retain the valuable contributions of orderlies, nurse aides, and patient service associates in Quebec. By meeting these requirements, applicants can secure a permanent future in Quebec and continue to support its healthcare system.

Work Stream – Specific Conditions for the Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Orderlies

Education Requirements

To qualify under the Work Stream, applicants must meet the following educational criteria:

    • Diploma: Must hold a diploma related to the occupation of an orderly, obtained after completing a full-time study program of at least one year.
    • Quebec Equivalency: The diploma must be equivalent to a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DEP) in Quebec.

Work Experience Requirements

Applicants must also fulfill one of the following work experience conditions:

    • Quebec Experience: Must have at least 24 months of suitable work involvement as amethodical in Quebec enclosed by the 36 months preceding the application date.
    • Combined Experience: Must have at least 12 months of professional/ job experience in a well-being/ health profession associated to basic individual care outside Quebec and for minimum 12 months as an arranged in Quebec in the 36 months former the application date.

Work Experience Criteria

    • Legitimacy: The work experience must have been legally acquired.
    • Compensation: The work must have been paid.
    • Duration: The work must have been full-time.

Meeting these specific conditions ensures that applicants under the Work Stream are well-qualified and experienced, making them valuable assets to Quebec's healthcare sector. This pathway not only offers a chance for permanent residency but also strengthens the province's ability to provide essential healthcare services.

Targeted Occupations for the Work Stream

Eligible Occupations in Quebec

For applicants currently employed or with work experience in Quebec, the occupation must correspond to the following National Occupational Classification (NOC) code:

    • NOC 33102: Orderly, Nurse Aide, and Patient Service Assistant

Eligible Occupations Outside Quebec

If the work experience was acquired outside of Quebec in a related health occupation, it must correspond to one of the following NOC codes:

    • NOC 31300: Nursing Coordinator and Supervisor
    • NOC 31301: Registered Psychiatric Nurse and Registered Nurse
    • NOC 31302: Nurse Practitioner
    • NOC 32101: Licensed Practical Nurse

Ensuring that your work experience or current job aligns with these specific NOC codes is crucial for eligibility under the Work Stream of Quebec's Permanent Immigration Pilot Program for Orderlies. This alignment helps maintain the high standards of healthcare provision within the province.

Work-Study Stream – Specific Conditions

Education Requirements

To qualify for the Work-Study Stream, applicants must meet the following educational criteria:

    • Quebec Diploma: Must have attained a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVE) from Quebec related to an eligible orderly occupation in the 24 months prior the application date.
    • Program Completion: Must have successfully completed the Institutional and Home Care Assistance Program and hold a secondary diploma of vocational studies.

Work Experience Requirements

Applicants must also fulfill the following work experience conditions:

    • Quebec Experience: Must have at least 12 months of work experience as an orderly in Quebec, accumulated within the 24 months former to the date of application and after finalizing/ concluding the program of study.
    • Legitimacy: The work experience must have been legally acquired.
    • Compensation: The work must have been paid.
    • Duration: The work must have been full-time.
    • Post-Study Employment: After completing their program of study, applicants must be employed by a Quebec company and attain a work permit.

Meeting these specific conditions ensures that applicants under the Work-Study Stream are well-prepared and qualified to contribute to Quebec's healthcare sector, making them strong candidates for permanent residency. This pathway provides a structured and supportive route for skilled healthcare workers to integrate into Quebec's workforce.

Program Permanent Immigration Pilot for Workers in Artificial Intelligence, Information Technologies, and Visual Effects Sectors

Program Overview

This permanent immigration pilot program is designed to attract and retain Quebec graduates specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) and international talent working in the technology industry in Quebec, or those who have received job offers from Quebec employers.

Program Streams

The program is structured into two distinct streams:

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    • Information Technology and Visual Effects (IT/VE)

Selection Goals

The program aims to select:

    • AI Sector: 300 Quebec graduates and temporary workers
    • IT/VE Sector: 300 foreign workers

Application Period

    • Start Date: November 23, 2023
    • End Date: December 31, 2024, or until the maximum number of applications is reached

This pilot program is a strategic initiative to ensure Quebec remains a hub for cutting-edge technology and innovation by attracting and retaining top talent in the AI, IT, and visual effects sectors.

General Requirements for Both Streams

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for both streams of the program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

    • Age: Must be 18 years of age or older.
    • Settlement Intent: Plan to reside in Quebec and work for a company where you have no direct or indirect legal or de facto control.
    • Compliance: Must have met any applicable conditions of your stay in Quebec.
    • Financial Stability: Demonstrate financial self-sufficiency for at least the initial three months succeeding your onset in Quebec.

Language Requirements

Both streams of the program cater to French-speaking and non-French-speaking individuals:

    • French-Speaker Profile: Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in French corresponding to advanced intermediate level 7 on the Échellequébécoise des niveaux de compétenceen français des personnes immigrant esadultes, or an equivalent standard.
    • Non French-Speaker Profile: Applicants will be enrolled in a free, personalized program called "Accompaniment Québec" to facilitate their integration into the society of Quebec and sustenance in knowledge of French.

Artificial Intelligence Stream – Specific Conditions for Foreign Workers

Education and Work Experience Requirements

Foreign workers applying under this stream must meet the following criteria:

    • Educational Qualification: Hold a diploma equivalent to a Quebec bachelor’s/ graduate degree and have a minimum of one year of full-time job experience in the five years priorto the application submitted. The job must be classified as level A, O, or B according to the National Occupational Classification (NOC).
    • Or: Obtained a diploma/ credential equivalent to a Quebec master’s or PhD in the year before submitting the application and have secured or accepted a job in Quebec's AI sector. The yearly remuneration for the job/ work must be at least $75,000 if the manager of the company is located outer peripherals of the Metropolitan Montreal Community, or as a conservative estimate of $100,000 if located within the Metropolitan Montreal Community.

Quebec Graduates

Education and Work Experience Requirements

Quebec graduates applying for the program must meet the following criteria:

    • Educational Qualification: Hold a Higher Specialized Studies (DESS) diploma, a master’s, or a PhD issued within the last 24 months from a Quebec educational institution.
    • Employment: Hold or have accepted a full-time job in Quebec's AI sector.
    • DESS Diploma Holders: If holding a DESS diploma, applicants must have worked full-time in a level 0, A, or B position according to the National Occupational Classification (NOC) for a minimum 6 months after carrying out their education.
    • Residency: Have resided in Quebec as a student for at least half of the study program duration.

Visual Effects Stream and Information Technology – Detailed Conditions

Education Requirement

Applicants for this stream must meet the following educational requirement:

    • Educational Qualification: Hold a diploma equivalent to a Quebec Diploma of College Studies – Technical Training or a Quebec bachelor’s degree.

Work Experience Requirement

Additionally, applicants must meet the following work experience criteria:

    • Work Experience: Have held an eligible full-time job for at least 2 years.
    • Wage Requirement: Secure or accept a full-time eligible job that pays an hourly wage equal to or above the average maximum wage for the occupation, as listed on the Emploi-Québec website.

Targeted Occupations

The work experience or currently held job must align with one of the following occupations under the National Occupational Classification (NOC):

    • NOC 0213 – Computer and Information Systems Manager
    • NOC 2133 –Electronics and Electrical Engineer
    • NOC 2171 – Information Systems Consultant and Analyst
    • NOC 2173 – Software Engineer and Designer
    • NOC 2174 – Computer Programmer and Interactive Media Developer
    • NOC 2241 – Electrical and Electronics Technician and Engineering Technologist
    • NOC 2281 – Computer Network Technician
    • NOC 5131 – Producer, Director, Choreographer, and Related Occupations
    • NOC 5225 –Video and Audio Recording Technician
    • NOC 5241 – Illustrator and Graphic Designer 

Application Process for Quebec Pilot Programs

Submission Process

If you are interested in immigrating to Quebec through one of the three permanent immigration pilot programs, you must initiate the process by submitting your application on Quebec’s online immigration platform, Arrima.

Two-Step Process

The application process for Canadian permanent residence under Quebec programs involves two main steps:

  1. Quebec Government Application: Applicants must first submit an application to the Quebec government to obtain a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ).
  2. Federal Government Application: Upon receiving the CSQ, applicants can continue to submit an application/ request form for permanent residence to the federal government.

Navigating the application process for Quebec's pilot programs requires adherence to a structured two-step process. By following the outlined steps and utilizing the designated online platform, applicants can initiate their journey towards Canadian permanent residency in Quebec.

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding the Quebec Pilot Programs for Immigration, candidates are strongly advised to conduct their own research based on the information provided. The details provided here serve as a general guide and may be subject to change without prior notice. It is recommended that candidates thoroughly review official sources and consult relevant authorities or legal professionals to ensure they have the most current and accurate information before proceeding with their immigration application.
