


The International Graduate Entrepreneur (IGE) Stream under the Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP) offers recent graduates of recognized universities or the Nova Scotia Community College an opportunity to establish or acquire a business in the province.

Expression of Interest System

Candidates interested in the IGE Stream participate in an Expression of Interest (EOI) system. Points are awarded based on specific criteria outlined by the NSNP. The highest-scoring candidates receive invitations to formally apply to the program.


This stream is designed for international graduates who plan to permanently reside in Nova Scotia while actively managing their business.


  • Pathway for Graduates: Provides a pathway for recent graduates to establish themselves as entrepreneurs in Nova Scotia.
  • Permanent Residency: Supports applicants in obtaining permanent residency while contributing to the provincial economy.
  • Business Ownership: Encourages ownership and active management of businesses within Nova Scotia.

Application Process

  1. Expression of Interest Submission: Candidates submit an EOI detailing their qualifications and business plans.
  2. Invitation to Apply: Successful candidates are invited by the NSNP to submit a formal application.

The IGE Stream of the NSNP facilitates the integration of international graduates into Nova Scotia's entrepreneurial landscape, promoting economic growth and diversity in the province.

Minimum Eligibility Criteria for NSNP International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream

Educational Requirements

Applicants must have completed a full-time diploma or degree of a minimum of two years from a renowned university in Nova Scotia or the Nova Scotia Community College. They must have resided in Nova Scotia full-time during their academic program.

Business Experience

Candidates must have possessed and run a business in Nova Scotia continuously for at least one year prior to submitting their Expression of Interest (EOI).

Language Proficiency

Applicants need to demonstrate language proficiency in English or French at Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 in listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Accepted language tests include CELPIP General, IELTS General Training for English, and TEF or TCF-Canada for French.

Age and Work Permit

Applicants must be a minimum of 21 years old and hold a valid Post-Graduation Work Permit at the time of application to the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration (NSOI).

Business Ownership and Management

Candidates must own at least 33.33% of the business's equity and actively participate in its daily management and direction. They must also receive compensation from the business meeting the Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) defined by Statistics Canada.

These criteria certify that applicants have the required credentials and commitments to contribute to Nova Scotia's economy and community.

Minimum Requirements for Eligible Businesses under the Entrepreneur Program

Purpose and Legitimacy

The business must have been established with a genuine career objective, not solely for immigration purposes, to qualify under the Entrepreneur program.

Legal Compliance

It must meet all legal requirements of the community in which it operates.

Profitability and Structure

The business should operate as a for-profit entity, primarily generating revenue through the sale of goods and/or services.

Permanent Establishment

It must qualify as a "permanent establishment" under Canadian Income Tax Regulations, 1985, ensuring it is recognized for tax purposes in Nova Scotia.

Tax Obligations

The business must be liable to pay income tax on taxable income earned within Nova Scotia, irrespective of other taxes payable elsewhere.

Active Management

Applicants must actively manage the business from their place of operation in Nova Scotia.

Economic Impact

The business should demonstrate potential to significantly benefit the economy of Nova Scotia.

These criteria ensure that businesses under the Entrepreneur program contribute actively to Nova Scotia's economic growth and development.

Additional Requirements for Starting or Purchasing a Business

Starting a Business

Job Creation

When starting a new business, applicants must create at least one full-time (or equivalent) job opportunity for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in Nova Scotia. This position must:

  • Additional to Applicant's Role: Not replace the applicant's role but be an additional position within the business.
  • Relevance: Directly related to the applicant's business operations.
  • Compensation: Meet prevailing wage rates in Nova Scotia.

Purchasing an Existing Business

Business Succession Criteria

When purchasing an existing Nova Scotia business, applicants must adhere to the following:

  • Operational Continuity: The business must have been continuously operated by the same owner for at least the past five years.
  • Employment Terms: Applicants must maintain existing employment terms, including wages, for current staff.

Expression of Interest Points Matrix

When candidates submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) in Step 1, a comprehensive points matrix assesses their alignment with Nova Scotia’s business and economic priorities across six crucial factors.

Selection Factors and Points Allocation

Selection Factor Points Allocation Minimum Required Score Details and Points Breakdown
Language Abilities Maximum 35 points At least CLB 5 Evaluates proficiency in English or French with points based on CLB levels or bands in listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
Education Maximum 25 points Varies by Level Points awarded based on completion of post-secondary education in Nova Scotia institutions, verified by Canadian Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) where required.
Work Experience Maximum 15 points 3 years Points awarded for relevant work experience in the last 10 years at NOC 0, A, or B levels.
Age Maximum 10 points 21-55 years Points are awarded based on the age of the applicant at the time of submission.
Adaptability Maximum 10 points Varies by Factor Points awarded for factors like spouse's language proficiency, past study or work experience in Nova Scotia, or having relatives in the province.
Nova Scotia Economic Priorities Maximum 10 points Varies by Priority Points awarded for proposals aligning with Nova Scotia’s economic goals, such as export-oriented business or locating outside Halifax.
Total: Maximum 105 points


This points matrix ensures that candidates must meet minimum requirements across each factor to qualify for submitting an Expression of Interest, focusing on their potential contribution to Nova Scotia's economic growth and community.

Factor 1: Language Abilities

First Official Language

CLB Level Speaking Listening Reading Writing Total
CLB level 9 or higher 7 7 7 7
CLB level 8 6 6 6 6
CLB level 7 5 5 5 5
Below CLB level 5 Ineligible

Second Official Language

At least CLB 5 in all four abilities: 7 points

Factor 2: Education

Level of Education Points Documentation Required
Accomplishment of a Nova Scotia post-secondary diploma for a two-year program 12 Canadian Educational Credential Assessment (ECA), proof of completed Canadian educational credentials such as certificates, diplomas, or degrees, and transcripts for post-secondary studies
Accomplishment of a Nova Scotia post-secondary degree or diploma for a program of three years or longer 15 ECA, proof of completed Canadian educational credentials, and transcripts
Two or more Canadian post-secondary degrees or diplomas (at least one from a three-year program at a Nova Scotia institution) 17 ECA, proof of completed Canadian educational credentials, and transcripts
Nova Scotia University degree at the Master’s level 22 ECA, proof of completed Nova Scotia university education, and occupation related to the degree being NOC 2011 Skill Level A and licensed by a provincial regulatory body
Nova Scotia University Degree at the Doctoral (PhD) level 25 ECA, proof of completed Nova Scotia university education

These criteria ensure that candidates are assessed fairly based on their language proficiency and educational background, aligning with the requirements of the Nova Scotia Nominee Program.

Factor 3: Work Experience

Work Experience in Last 10 Years at NOC 0, A, or B Level Points
Less than 3 years No points awarded
3 to 5 years 10
Greater than 5 years 15

This factor evaluates the depth of your professional experience, emphasizing roles categorized under NOC Skill Levels 0, A, or B within the past decade.

Factor 4: Adaptability

Adaptability Factor

Adaptability Criteria Points Details
Spouse or Common-law Partner’s Language Proficiency 5 The candidate's spouse or partner must demonstrate proficiency in English or French at CLB 4 level or advanced in all four language abilities.
Spouse or Partner’s Past Study in Nova Scotia 5 The candidate's spouse or partner must have completed at least two academic years of full-time study in Nova Scotia, maintaining good academic standing.
Spouse or Common-law Partner’s Past Work in Nova Scotia 5 The candidate's spouse or partner must have at least one year of full-time or permanent work experience in Nova Scotia on a valid work license or while approved to work in Canada.
Relatives in Nova Scotia 5 Candidate, spouse, or common-law partner must have a relative who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, aged 19 or older, and has lived in Nova Scotia continuously for at least one year. Acceptable relatives include parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, or nephews.

These factors recognize the candidate's and their family's ties and contributions to Nova Scotia, enhancing their adaptability within the province.

Factor 5: Age

Age Range Points
Less than 21 years Ineligible
21-39 years 10
40-44 years 7
45-55 years 5
56 years or older 0

This factor assigns points based on the applicant's age at the time of application, reflecting their potential contribution and adaptability in Nova Scotia.

Factor 6: Nova Scotia Economic Priorities

Nova Scotia Economic Priorities Points
Export-oriented business 5
Proposed business location outside of Halifax Regional Municipality 5
Business succession 5

These priorities highlight the alignment of proposed businesses with Nova Scotia's economic goals, promoting growth and sustainability across the province.

The Nomination Process Unfolded

Navigating the journey toward Canadian permanent residence through the Nova Scotia Nominee Program involves four distinct stages:

Step 1: Expression of Interest (EOI) Submission

Prospective immigrants initiate their path by completing an Expression of Interest (EOI) online, signaling their intent to establish a business and settle in Nova Scotia. The EOI collects essential details such as work history, language proficiency, educational background, age, adaptability, and business plans. Only applicants meeting the minimum criteria can submit an EOI, entering a pool where they are assessed using a points matrix. EOIs remain active for up to one year; if not selected within this period, a new submission is required to update points.

Step 2: Invitation to Apply (ITA)

Top-scoring candidates receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) from the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration (NSOI). This prompts them to submit a comprehensive application package to the Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP). The application must include a fully completed form and all required supporting documentation within 90 days of receiving the ITA. Additionally, candidates must choose an Audit Service Verifier promptly upon receiving the ITA.

Step 3: In-Person Interview and Nomination

Successful applicants proceed to an in-person interview conducted by NSOI officials in Nova Scotia. Scheduled within 15 business days of contact, the interview includes a visit to the applicant's business premises. Failure to participate within the allotted timeframe or an unsuccessful interview results in application closure. If the NSOI officer determines that all program criteria are met and no disqualifying factors exist, the applicant is nominated for Canadian permanent residence under the NSNP.

Step 4: Application for Permanent Residence

Upon nomination, the applicant submits an application for permanent resident status to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) within six months. Although nomination from NSNP signifies endorsement, issuance of a Permanent Resident Visa remains contingent upon approval by the visa office. Upon agreement, applicants obtain an Approval of Permanent Residence, which must be promptly shared with NSOI within 30 business days.

This structured process ensures that qualified candidates progress smoothly toward their goal of Canadian permanent residency under the auspices of Nova Scotia's welcoming nomination program.

Who Cannot Apply to the International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream

Ineligible Applicants

Candidates will not be considered eligible under the IGE Stream if they:

  • Are refugee claimants in Canada
  • Are residing illegally in their country of residence
  • Have had an elimination instruction dispensed against them by IRCC or Canada Border Services Agency
  • Are prohibited from entering Canada
  • Are passive investors (individuals with minimal involvement in the daily management of a Nova Scotia business)
  • Do not have legal status; eligibility requires restored status

Ineligible Businesses

The following types of businesses are ineligible under this stream:

  • Remote operations (based outside of Nova Scotia or Canada)
  • Property rental, investment, and leasing activities
  • Real estate construction, development, or brokerage; insurance brokerage; or business brokerage unless the project provides significant benefit to the province
  • Professional services or self-employed businesses requiring licensing
  • Cheque cashing, Money changing, Payday loan, and Cash machine businesses
  • Pawnbrokers
  • Credit unions
  • Home-based businesses unless they offer compelling provincial benefits
  • Co-operatives
  • Businesses primarily generating passive investment income
  • Pornographic or sexually explicit product/services businesses
  • Joint endeavors between NSNP program applicants
  • Any business that could bring disrepute to NSNP or the Nova Scotia government

These criteria ensure that the IGE Stream supports sustainable and beneficial business ventures aligned with Nova Scotia's economic priorities.

Invitation History for International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream

The NSOI (Nova Scotia Office of Immigration) administers periodic draws to invite candidates for the International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream. Below is a summary of past invitation rounds:

Date of Draw Number of Invitations Issued Score of the Lowest-Ranked Candidate Invited
May 3, 2021 2 44
December 9, 2020 2 42
September 24, 2020 5 49
February 5, 2020 1 67
September 6, 2019 1 54
June 24, 2019 1 74
January 7, 2019 1 54
November 14, 2018 1 68
September 20, 2018 1 47
August 7, 2018 1 47
June 21, 2018 1 64
May 21, 2018 2 60
March 27, 2018 1 67
February 20, 2018 2 47
November 15, 2017 2 62
October 10, 2017 1 57
June 13, 2017 1 81
March 8, 2017 2 52
December 22, 2016 1 56

This table illustrates the historical trends of invitations issued by NSOI, showcasing the competitiveness and scoring thresholds for each draw.

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the Nova Scotia Nominee Program: International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream, readers are strongly encouraged to conduct their research and verify details independently. The information presented here serves as a guide and may be subject to changes or updates by the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration (NSOI). For a comprehensive understanding and to ensure eligibility and suitability, it is highly recommended that individuals visit the official NSOI website at and consult with relevant authorities or legal professionals.
