


The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) offers the International Skilled Worker Category, a pathway for skilled workers to be nominated for immigration to Saskatchewan. This program targets individuals who possess the necessary education, experience, and language skills to integrate successfully into the province's workforce.

This provincial immigration category is divided into three distinct sub-categories:

  1. International Skilled Worker - Saskatchewan  Express Entry
  2. International Skilled Worker - Occupation In-Demand
  3. International Skilled Worker - Employment Offer

Expression of Interest (EOI) System

The SINP employs an Expression of Interest (EOI) System for the Occupation In-Demand and Express Entry sub-categories. This system allows the province to select candidates based on several criteria to ensure they meet Saskatchewan's labour market needs.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates in the SINP's EOI pool are evaluated based on the following five factors:

  1. Education and Training: The level and relevance of the candidate's educational qualifications.
  2. Skilled Work Experience: The extent and applicability of the candidate's work experience.
  3. Language Ability: Proficiency in English or French, essential for effective communication and integration.
  4. Age: Younger candidates may receive higher points, reflecting their potential long-term contribution to the workforce.
  5. Connection(s) to the Saskatchewan Labour Market and Adaptability: Includes factors such as having a close family member in Saskatchewan, past work experience or studies in the province, and having a valid job offer.

EOI Points Grid

To enter the SINP EOI pool, candidates must achieve a leasttotal score of 60 out of 110 points on the EOI Points Grid. This score is derived from the aforementioned five factors. Meeting this threshold, along with other eligibility requirements, is crucial for being considered for nomination.

The SINP's International Skilled Worker Category is a strategic initiative to attract and retain skilled workers who are well-equipped to contribute to Saskatchewan's economic and social fabric. By leveraging the EOI system, the province ensures that only the most qualified and adaptable candidates are selected, thereby fostering a thriving and dynamic workforce.

EOI (Expression of Interest) Points Assessment Grid


The EOI (Expression of Interest) Points Assessment Grid is a crucial tool used by the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) to evaluate and select candidates for the International Skilled Worker Category. This grid assesses applicants based on five key selection factors, ensuring that only the most qualified individuals are considered for nomination.

Selection Factors

The EOI Points Assessment Grid allocates points across the following five selection factors:

  1. Education and Training: Maximum of 23 points
  2. Skilled Work Experience: Maximum of 15 points
  3. Language Ability: Maximum of 30 points
  4. Age: Maximum of 12 points
  5. Connection to the Saskatchewan Labour Market: Maximum of 30 points

Total Points Available: 110 points

Pass Mark: 60 points

Factor 1: Education and Training

Applicants are awarded points for their education based on verified proof of completed post-secondary education and/or training programs from recognized institutions or regulatory bodies.

Requirements for Points:

  • Copies of diplomas, certificates, or degrees must be submitted.
  • Complete transcripts for each education/training program are required.

These documents must come from nationally or provincially recognized institutions to qualify for points under this selection factor. The thorough documentation ensures the authenticity and relevance of the applicant’s educational background.

Understanding the EOI Points Assessment Grid is essential for applicants aiming to succeed in the SINP International Skilled Worker Category. By meeting the required 60 points and providing comprehensive educational documentation, candidates enhance their chances of being nominated and making a successful transition to life in Saskatchewan.

Expression of Interest (EOI) Points Assessment Grid


The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) uses the Expression of Interest (EOI) Points Assessment Grid to meticulously evaluate applicants for the International Skilled Worker Category. The grid focuses on five pivotal selection factors, each contributing to the total score that determines eligibility for nomination.

Selection Factors

Maximum Points Allocation

Selection Factor Points
Education and Training Maximum of 23 points
Trained/Skilled Work Experience Maximum of 15 points
Language Ability Maximum of 30 points
Age Maximum of 12 points
Connection to the Saskatchewan Labour Market Maximum of 30 points
Total Points Available 110 points
Pass Mark 60 points

Factor 1: Education and Training

Applicants earn points based on their highest level of education, verified through comprehensive documentation. This factor emphasizes the significance of recognized post-secondary education or training.

Points for Education & Training

Education Level Points
Master’s or Doctorate 23
College/ University degree/ certificate requiring a minimum of three years of full-time study 20
Skill certificate/ document equal to journey person status in Saskatchewan 20
Degree, diploma, or certificate requiring at least two years of full-time post-secondary course/ program/ study, or credential equivalent 15
Diploma, degree, or certificate needing a minimum of one year of full-time post-secondary course/ program/ study, or credential equivalent to a skill certificate or trade certificate 12

Required Documentation:

  • Duplicate copies of certificates, diplomas, or degrees..
  • Complete transcripts for all education/training programs.

These documents must be from nationally or provincially recognized institutions to be valid for points.

Factor 2: Skilled Work Experience

Points Allocation for Recent Work Experience

The SINP awards points based on the applicant's skilled work experience in their intended occupation. This experience must be classified under NOC 0, A, B, or a designated trade. Points are allocated for work experience gained in the most recent ten years, divided into two periods: the last five years and the six to ten years before application.

Points Calculation for Skilled Work Experience

  • Recent Work Experience (last 5 years): 2 points per year.
  • Previous Work Experience (6-10 years prior): 1 point per year.

To be eligible, applicants must demonstrate at least one year of full-time (or equivalent part-time) paid work experience in their intended occupation.

Eligibility and Documentation

To meet the requirements, candidates/ applicants must have a minimum of one year of full-time (or equivalent part-time) paid work experience in their intended occupation. Documentation is essential to validate this experience.

Required Documentation:

  • Letters of reference from supervisors or Human Resources officers for each work experience.
  • Official workbook or other official government documentation.

The EOI Points Assessment Grid is a comprehensive tool that ensures only the most qualified candidates are selected for the SINP International Skilled Worker Category. By achieving the required 60 points and providing thorough documentation, applicants enhance their prospects of being nominated and successfully transitioning to a thriving career in Saskatchewan.

Job Experience in the Previous 5 Years
Years of Work Experience Points
5 years 10
4 years 8
3 years 6
2 years 4
1 year 2
Work Experience in the 6 to 10 Years Ago
Years of Work Experience Points
5 years 5
4 years 4
3 years 3
2 years 2
1 year 0

Factor 3: Language Ability


Language proficiency is a crucial component in the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) Points Assessment Grid. Applicants can earn points based on their abilities in any of Canada’s official/ authorized dialects, English or French languages. If proficient in both, candidates should select the language they are most comfortable with.

Proof of Proficiency

To validate language skills, applicants must provide official results from a recent SINP-approved language test. Accepted tests include:

  • IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems, General Training)
  • CELPIP also called Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program
  • Test d'évaluation de français (TEF)


Applicants/ Candidates must attain a minimum score ofCLB-4(Canadian Language Benchmark-4) to be eligible.

Points Allocation for Language Ability

First Language Test (English or French)
CLB Level Points
CLB 8 and higher 20
CLB 7 18
CLB 6 16
CLB 5 14
CLB 4 12
Native speaker without test results 0
Second Language Test (if applicable)
CLB Level Points
CLB 8 and higher 10
CLB 7 8
CLB 6 6
CLB 5 4
CLB 4 2
Not applicable 0

The language ability factor plays a significant role in the SINP Points Assessment Grid. By providing official language test results and achieving a minimum score of CLB 4, applicants can demonstrate their readiness to adapt and thrive in Saskatchewan. Maximizing points in this category can significantly enhance an applicant's overall score and their chances of successful nomination.

Factor 4: Age


Age is a significant factor in the SINP Points Assessment Grid. Applicants/ Candidates are granted points based on their age at the time of application, reflecting their potential long-term contribution to Saskatchewan’s workforce.

Points Allocation for Age

Age Range Points
Less than 18 years 0
18-21 years 8
22-34 years 12
35-45 years 10
46-50 years 8
Over 50 years 0

The age factor ensures that applicants who are at an optimal stage in their professional lives are recognized and rewarded. By understanding the points allocation for different age ranges, candidates can better assess their eligibility and enhance their overall score in the SINP International Skilled Worker Category. This focus on age helps the program select individuals who can contribute effectively to the province’s economic growth and stability.

Factor 5: Connections to the Saskatchewan Labour Market and Adaptability


Connections to the Saskatchewan labour market and adaptability are critical in assessing an applicant's ability to successfully settle and thrive as a permanent resident. Points are awarded based on the applicant's documented connections and their potential to economically establish themselves in Saskatchewan.

Points Allocation for Connections and Adaptability

Connection to the Saskatchewan Labour Market Points
High-Skilled Employment Offer
The applicant has a job offer for an occupation classified at NOC level 0, A, B, or a designated trade in Saskatchewan.
Close Relative in Saskatchewan
The applicant or their spouse has a close family member living in Saskatchewan and is a permanent resident. Close relatives include parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and step-family members or in-laws of the same relationships. These family members must meet the requirements listed in the Application Guide.
Previous Work Experience in Saskatchewan
The applicant has accumulated at least twelve months of work in Saskatchewan over the past five years while holding a valid work permit.
Previous Student Experience in Saskatchewan
The applicant attended a recognized educational institution in Saskatchewan for a minimum of one full academic year on a valid study permit.

Connections to the Saskatchewan labour market and demonstrated adaptability significantly enhance an applicant’s profile. By providing documented proof of high-skilled employment offers, close family ties, or previous work or study experience in Saskatchewan, candidates can maximize their points in this category. This factor ensures that those who are most likely to integrate successfully and contribute to the province's economic landscape are given priority in the SINP International Skilled Worker Category.

Disclaimer: The information provided regarding the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) International Skilled Worker Category is intended for general guidance and informational purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this information, it is subject to change and may not reflect the most current policies, procedures, or eligibility requirements. Readers are strongly encouraged to conduct thorough research and consult the official SINP resources or a qualified immigration professional to obtain the most up-to-date and relevant information. Reliance on the information provided herein is at the reader’s own risk. The authors and publishers of this content assume no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions, or outcomes related to the use of this information.
