


If you possess an Australian permanent visa, you hold the status of an Australian permanent resident.

Types of Permanent Work Visas

1. Regional Visas

  • Designed for skilled migrants aiming to reside and work in regional Australia.
  • Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme (subclass 187): Requires sponsorship.
  • Permanent Residence (Skilled Province) Visa (subclass 191).

2. Skilled Migration Visas

  • Intended for skilled migrants seeking to live and work anywhere in Australia.
  • Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186): Requires sponsorship.
  • Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189).
  • Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190): Requires nomination.
  • Skilled Regional visa (subclass 887).

3. Business Investment Visas

  • Geared towards entrepreneurs, investors, and business owners looking to operate or establish businesses in Australia.
  • Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888): Requires sponsorship.
  • Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132): Requires sponsorship.

4. Global Talent Visas

  • For individuals with exceptional achievements in eligible fields, including pathways for Global Talent and Distinguished Talent applicants.
  • Global Talent visa (subclass 858): Requires nomination.

These categories offer diverse opportunities for skilled individuals, entrepreneurs, and those with outstanding global achievements to contribute to and reside permanently in Australia.

1. Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa


The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa enables skilled workers, endorsed by their employer in regional Australia, to secure permanent residency and employment in Australia.

Basic Eligibility Criteria

1. Employer Nomination

  • Must be nominated by an approved Australian employer for a job located in regional Australia.

2. Age Requirement

  • Applicants must be under 45 years of age at the time of application.

3. Skills and Qualifications

  • Applicants must meet the specified skills, qualifications, and English language proficiency requirements.

Purpose and Benefits of Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa

This visa pathway aims to attract skilled workers to regional areas of Australia, fostering economic growth and meeting regional labor market needs while offering a pathway to permanent residency for eligible applicants.

Categories of Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa

1. Direct Entry Stream

Stay: Permanently

Cost: N/A

2. Temporary Residence Transition Stream

Overview: This stream allows skilled workers nominated by their employer in regional Australia to live and work permanently in Australia. To meet the requirements, you must meet the precise criteria:

  • Transitional Worker Requirement: You must be a transitional subclass 457 or subclass 482 worker.
  • Employment Duration: Generally, you need to have worked for your manager full-time for a minimum span of 2 years.

  • Employer Nomination: You must be nominated by your employer.

Stay: Permanently

Cost: From AUD4,770.00

3. Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) Visa (Subclass 191)

Regional Provisional Stream

The Permanent Residence (Skilled Provincial) visa (subclass 191) proposes a pathway to permanent residency for people who have subsisted and worked in nominated provincial parts of Australia under an eligible or entitled visa. Candidates must stick to the circumstances or the conditions of their entitled visa.

Key Points

  • Residency Requirement: Applicants must have resided and worked in specified regional areas.
  • Compliance: Must have complied with the conditions of their eligible visa.
  • Income Verification: There is no minimum income requirement; however, primary applicants must provide notices of assessment from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for three revenue years out of the five years of their eligible visa.
  • Application Preparation: Applicants who have already lodged their application should ensure that it includes these three notices to meet eligibility criteria.

2. Skilled Migration Visas 

Employer Nomination Scheme Visa (Subclass 186)


The Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186) offers skilled workers nominated by their employer the opportunity to reside and work in Australia permanently.

Basic Eligibility

To be suitable for this visa, applicants must:

  • Skill Requirement: Possess the necessary skills for the nominated job.
  • Nomination: Be nominated or recommended by an Australian manager or employer.
  • Health and Character: Fulfill the specified health and character requirements stipulated.

Subclasses of This Visa

1. Direct Entry Stream

  • This stream allows skilled workers nominated by their employer to permanently live and work in Australia.
    • Additional Requirements:
      • Must obtain a recommendation from an Australian employer.
      • Occupation must be on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations.
      • Must have at least Competent English proficiency.

Stay: Permanently

Cost: From AUD4,770.00

Processing Time: Refer to the visa processing time guide for estimated processing durations.

2. Labour Agreement Stream

  • This stream is designated for skilled workers who have been nominated by an employer participating in a labor agreement.
  • Additional Requirements:
    • The employer must have an established labor agreement in place.

Stay: Permanently

Cost: From AUD4,770.00

Processing Time: Refer to the visa processing time guide for estimated processing durations.

3. Temporary Residence Transition Stream

  • This stream allows skilled workers holding a 457, TSS, or related bridging visa to permanently live and work in Australia.
  • Additional Requirements:
    • Must have operated for the company or employer full-time for a minimum of two years.
    • Must be selected by the company.

Stay: Permanent

Cost: From AUD4,770.00

Processing Time: Refer to the visa processing time guide for estimated processing durations.

The Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186) provides multiple streams tailored to different employment scenarios, offering skilled workers a pathway to permanent residency in Australia based on their qualifications and employer sponsorship.

Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)


The Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) is designed for invited employees, eligible or suitable New Zealand citizens, and eligible or suitable Hong Kong or British National (Overseas) passport holders with sought-after skills, allowing them to settle permanently anywhere in Australia.


1. Points Tested Stream

This stream facilitates invited workers with skills in demand to establish permanent residency in Australia without needing a sponsor or nominator. Key requirements include:

  • Invitation Requirement: Must be invited to apply.
  • Age Limit: Applicants must be under 45 years of age.
  • Stay: Permanently

Cost: From AUD4,765.00

Processing Time: Mention to the visa dispensation period guide tool for estimated durations.

2. New Zealand Stream

This stream allows eligible New Zealand citizens who have demonstrated commitment and contribution to Australia to settle and work permanently.

Stay: Permanently

Cost: N/A

Processing Time: Mention the visa dispensation period guide tool for estimated durations.

3. Hong Kong Stream

This stream is for eligible Hong Kong or British National (Overseas) passport holders who have shown commitment to Australia, providing them with the opportunity to reside and work permanent basis.

  • Passport Requirement: Must hold a Hong Kong passport or a British National (Overseas) passport.
  • Visa and Residence Requirements: Must meet specific visa and residence criteria.

Stay: Permanently

Cost: From AUD4,765.00

Processing Time: Mention the visa dispensation period guide tool for estimated durations.

Application Process

Submissions are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and processing times can vary due to factors such as the completeness of your application, response times to requests for additional information, and the duration of checks on supporting documentation.

The Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) offers multiple streams tailored to different eligibility criteria, providing skilled individuals with a pathway to permanent residency in Australia based on their qualifications and contributions to the country's workforce.

Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)


The Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) permits skilled workers who have been nominated by a state or territory government agency to reside and work in Australia permanently oras permanent residents.

Benefits of the Visa

With this visa, you can:

  • Work and Study: Relish the liberty to work and study anywhere in Australia.
  • Sponsor Relatives: Sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence.
  • Pathway to Citizenship: If eligible, you can apply to become an Australian citizen.


To meet the requirements for this visa, you must:

  • Occupation: Have an occupation listed on the relevant skilled occupation list.
  • Skills Assessment: Possess a suitable skills assessment for your occupation.
  • Invitation: Be invited to apply for this visa by a state or territory government agency.
  • Points Test: Satisfy the points test, which evaluates factors such as English proficiency, age, and work experience.

Additional Information

  • Stay: Permanently
  • Cost: From AUD4,770.00
  • Processing Times: Mention the visa dispensation form to the visa processing time guide tool for estimated processing durations. Please note, that actual processing times can vary based on individual circumstances.

The Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) offers a path for skilled workers nominated by a state or territory government to obtain permanent residency in Australia, offering extensive opportunities for work, study, family sponsorship, and potential citizenship, contingent upon meeting stringent criteria and the points test.

Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 887)


The Skilled Regional visa (subclass 887) is planned for people who have previously lived and worked in designated regional areas of Australia under an eligible visa.

Benefits of the Visa

With this visa, you can:

  • Work and Study: Relish the liberty to work and study anywhere in Australia.
  • Family Sponsorship: Supporting eligible relatives for permanent residency.
  • Pathway to Citizenship: If suitable or eligible, you can apply or request for Australian citizenship.


To meet the requirements for this visa, you must:

  • Previous Visa: Hold a visa that qualifies or has previously possessed an eligible visa that expired outside of Australia within the concession period.
  • Residency and Work: Have lived for at least 2 years and operated full-time or permanently for a minimum of 1 year in a definite provincial area, except COVID-19 concessions apply.
  • Compliance: Have complied with the conditions of the eligible visa you hold or have held.

Additional Information

  • Stay: Permanently
  • Cost: From AUD490.00
  • Processing Times: Mention to the visa dispensation time guide tool for estimated processing durations. Please note, that genuine processing times may differ based on individual circumstances.

The Skilled Regional visa (subclass 887) offers a pathway to permanent residency in Australia for individuals who have contributed to specified regional areas through their previous visa residence and work. It provides opportunities for work, study, family sponsorship, and potential citizenship, subject to meeting stringent residency and compliance requirements.

Business Investment Visas

Business Talent (Permanent) Visa (Subclass 132)


The Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132) enables individuals to establish a new business or enhance an existing one in Australia, fostering economic growth and innovation.

Basic Eligibility

To meet the requirements for this visa, candidates must:

  • Nomination: Be nominated or selected by an Australian state or territory government agency.
  • Invitation: Be invited to apply for the visa.
  • Funding Requirements: Have the necessary funding or assets to support their business venture.

Categories of the Visa

1. Significant Business History Stream

This stream is designed for experienced business owners aiming to operate either a new or existing business in Australia.

  • Stay: Permanently
  • Cost: From AUD7,855.00
  • Processing Time: Refer to the visa processing time guide tool for estimated processing durations.

2. Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream

This stream is intended for individuals who have secured venture investment or capital funding from an associate of the Australian Investment Council (AIC).

  • Stay: Permanently
  • Cost: From AUD0.00

The Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132) offers two distinct streams tailored to experienced business owners and entrepreneurs who have secured venture capital funding. This visa not only facilitates the establishment and growth of businesses in Australia but also contributes to the nation's entrepreneurial landscape and economic prosperity.

4. Global Talent Visa (Subclass 858)


The Global Talent visa (subclass 858) is a permanent visa designed for individuals with internationally recognized achievements of exceptional and outstanding caliber in their respective fields.

Visa Details

  • Stay: Permanently
  • Cost: From AUD4,840.00

Processing Times

For estimated processing times, refer to the visa processing time guide tool. These times reflect recent application decisions and serve as a general guide rather than specific to your application.

Eligibility Criteria

To meet the requirements for this visa, candidates must validate:

  • Internationally Recognized Achievement: Have a distinguished record of exceptional achievements in an eligible field.

The Global Talent visa (subclass 858) provides a pathway for individuals globally recognized for their extraordinary talents to settle permanently in Australia, contributing to the nation's expertise and innovation in diverse sectors.

Disclaimer: The information provided regarding Australian work permits is intended to serve as a general guide. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the details shared, readers need to conduct their comprehensive research. Immigration policies and visa regulations are subject to change, and individual circumstances can significantly impact eligibility and application processes. For the most current and personalized advice, we highly recommend consulting official Australian immigration resources or seeking professional guidance. YourPress USA strongly advises readers to verify all information and stay informed about any updates or changes that may affect their specific situation. 
