


The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) is an immigration pathway designed to attract skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and their families to the province of Manitoba, Canada. It aims to address local labor market needs and contribute to the province's economic growth. The program is divided into several streams, including Skilled Workers in Manitoba, Skilled Workers Overseas, International Education, and Business Investor streams. Applicants are assessed based on their skills, work experience, language proficiency, and connection to Manitoba. Successful nominees receive a provincial nomination, which supports their application for permanent residence to the federal government. The MPNP emphasizes the importance of retaining newcomers by ensuring they have strong ties to the community, such as family connections, previous education or work experience in Manitoba, or a job offer. This program has been instrumental in fostering a diverse and vibrant economy in the province.

Brief of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)

Manitoba Immigration Streams

If you are considering immigrating to Manitoba, you have five distinct options to choose from:

  1. Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream
  2. Skilled Worker Overseas Stream
  3. Manitoba Business Investor Stream
  4. International Education Stream
  5. Morden Community Driven Initiative

1. Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream

This stream targets qualified temporary foreign workers and international student graduates who are currently employed in Manitoba. To be eligible, candidates must have a permanent, full-time job offer from a Manitoba employer.

2. Skilled Worker Overseas Stream

Designed for skilled workers residing outside of Canada who can demonstrate a strong connection to Manitoba, this stream also accommodates skilled workers already in Canada who meet the criteria.

3. Manitoba Business Investor Stream

This stream is tailored for applicants intending to establish a business in Manitoba. It aims to attract experienced business owners and entrepreneurs eager to capitalize in the province’s budget.

4. International Education Stream

This stream is specifically for international graduates from Manitoba post-secondary institutions who wish to remain in the province permanently. It provides a pathway for those who have completed their education in Manitoba to continue contributing to the local economy.

5. Modern Community Driven Initiative

Targeted at tradespeople such as welders, carpenters, cooks, plumbers, and pipefitters, this initiative is designed for individuals who wish to create themselves in the rural town of Morden. This stream aims to fulfill the specific labor needs of this community.

1. Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream


The Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream offers two primary pathways:

  1. Manitoba Work Experience Pathway
  2. Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway

1. Manitoba Work Experience Pathway

   The Manitoba Work Experience Pathway is designed for individuals currently employed under a temporary work permit in Manitoba. This pathway accommodates:

  • Temporary workers
  • Candidate International graduates from Canadian post-secondary organizations

Eligibility Criteria

Work Experience Requirements:

Applicants must meet one of the following work experience criteria:

  • Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs): Employed in an occupation on Manitoba’s in-demand occupations list, with at least 6 months of work experience in Manitoba.
  • Out-of-Province Graduates: Graduated from a post-secondary institution outside Manitoba, employed in an in-demand occupation with a minimum of 12 months of related work experience in Manitoba.
  • TFWs in Non-Demand Occupations: Employed in Manitoba for at least 12 months with an LMIA-supported or LMIA-exempt work permit.
  • Manitoba Graduates in Non-Demand Occupations: Graduated from a Manitoba post-secondary institution and have at least 12 months of work experience in the province.

Additional Employment Requirements:

Applicants must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Currently residing and/or working in Manitoba at the time of application.
  • Hold a longstanding, permanent or full-time job proposal that meets Manitoba’s wage and employment standards for the job/ occupation.
  • Employment must be with a registered commercial business in Manitoba that has been operational for at least three years prior to the application.
  • Working conditions must be consistent with those of Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
  • The position must not be home-based, part-time, temporary, seasonal, or commission-based.

Language Proficiency:

The minimum required official language proficiency is determined by the National Occupational Classification (NOC) of the applicant’s job:

  • Regulated Occupations: Minimum CLB 7
  • Compulsory Trades: Minimum CLB 6
  • National Occupational Classification 0, A, or B Occupations: Minimum or Lowest CLB 5
  • Semi-Skilled Occupations (NOC C or D): Minimum CLB 4


Applicants must demonstrate their ability and intent to reside permanently in Manitoba.

2. Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway


The Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway, part of the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Stream, is designed for applicants with confirmed job offers from approved Manitoba employers. To qualify, candidates must be interviewed by both a Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) representative and a Manitoba employer outside of Canada. Applicants must receive an Invitation to Apply before proceeding with their application.

Eligibility Criteria

Work Experience:

  • Minimum of two years of relevant employment experience within the past five years, or other relevant experience as identified by the employer.
  • Alternatively, relevant experience identified by the employer if different from the two-year requirement.
  • Additional Employment/Job Offer Requirements:
  • Long-term, full-time job offer that aligns with Manitoba’s employment and wage standards for the specific occupation.
  • The employer must have a registered commercial business operational in Manitoba for at least three years immediately preceding the application.
  • Working conditions must be consistent with those of Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
  • The position must not be home-based, part-time, temporary, seasonal, or commission-based.

Language Proficiency:

  • Minimum CLB 7 for regulated occupations.
  • Minimum CLB 6 for obligatory/ compulsory trades.
  • Minimum CLB 5 for all other/ miscellaneous NOC 0, A, or B occupations.
  • Minimum CLB 4 for semi-skilled professions/ occupations (NOC C or D), with the employer committed to providing or facilitating workplace language training.
  • Adaptability:
  • Demonstration of the ability and intent to reside in Manitoba permanently.


  • Post-secondary education and/or training relevant to the occupation being recruited, or as identified by the employer.
  • For positions requiring licensure or certification, applicants must apply to the regulatory body to have their qualifications and skills assessed and/or pass an examination.
  • For NOC C or D occupations, the MPNP may select individuals without post-secondary education if they possess the required exercise/ training for the occupation/ job according to employer necessities and as per the description in NOC.

Employer Eligibility for Strategic Initiatives

Potential employers must fulfil precise eligibility standards which are well-defined by the MPNP.

Note: The information provided will be continuously updated as the Government of Manitoba releases more details about the Manitoba Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway. This pathway will become operational once the MPNP's renewed criteria take effect in November 2018.

Application Details and Minimum Requirements

Application Fee

  • Fee: CAD $500

Processing Time

  • Duration: Approximately 6 months

Minimum Requirements

To meet the requirements, candidates must meet the subsequent criteria:

  • Employment Status:
  • Be a provisional/ temporary foreign worker or an international apprentice/ students graduate.
  • Possess a valid Work Certificate/ Permit or Post-Graduation Work Certificate/ Permit.
  • Job Offer:
  • Partake a full-time or permanent work opportunity from their current Manitoba employer.
  • Have maintained continuous employment with their current employer for at least six consecutive months.
  • Qualifications:
  • Possess all necessary qualifications for the position, including relevant training, education, and any required licenses or certifications.
  • Language Proficiency:
  • Demonstrate proficiency in English or French sufficient to perform the duties of their job description.
  • Connection to Manitoba:
  • Have a stronger employment connection to Manitoba than to any other province in Canada.
  • Intent and Ability to Settle:
  • Show the intention and ability to live, work, and establish their work and family life in Manitoba as a permanent resident. This must be demonstrated in a comprehensive Settlement Plan.
  • Financial Stability:
  • Have sufficient funds: CAD $10,000 for the main applicant and an additional CAD $2,000 for each dependent included in the application.
  • Employer Requirements:
  • The working conditions offered must be consistent with those provided to Canadian citizens or permanent inhabitants.

How It Works

Expression of Interest (EOI)

  1. Submission: Begin by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) online.
  2. Questionnaire: Complete a series of questions.
  3. Scoring: Receive a score based on your responses.

Invitation to Apply

  • High Scores: Candidates achieving the highest scores might be requested to appear to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP).
  • Provincial Nomination
  • Success: If your application is successful, you will receive a provincial nomination from Manitoba.
  • Federal Application: Use this nomination to apply directly to the Canadian federal government for permanent residency visas for yourself and your family.

Manitoba Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway

  • Interview Process:
  • You will be cross-examined external of Canada by a representative of the MPNP.
  • You will also be interviewed by an eligible Manitoba employer.
  • This occurs prior to receiving an Invitation to Apply.

Categories and Requirements

Immigration Pathways Table
Category Is a Job Offer Required? Additional Requirements
Manitoba Work Experience Pathway Yes Must have eligible work experience.
Must be living and working in Manitoba.
Employer Direct Recruitment Pathway Yes Must have eligible work experience.

Skilled Worker Overseas Stream

The Skilled Worker Overseas Stream is divided into two distinct pathways:

Manitoba Express Entry Pathway

  • Eligibility: This pathway is for individuals with an active Express Entry profile who also qualify under another MPNP stream.
  • Occupational Requirement: Candidates must have experience in an occupation listed on Manitoba’s In-Demand Occupations list.
  • Connection to Manitoba: Applicants must demonstrate a strong connection to the province.
  • Human Capital Pathway
  • Eligibility: This pathway targets foreign skilled workers.
  • Occupational Requirement: Candidates must have experience in an occupation listed on Manitoba’s In-Demand Occupations list.

Application Details and Minimum Requirements

Application Fee

  • Fee: CAD $500

Processing Time

  • Duration: Approximately 6 months

Minimum Requirements

To meet the requirements, candidates must meet the following standards:

  • Points Assessment:
  • Accomplish a least/ minimum score of 60 out of 100 on the points assessment grid.
  • Connection to Manitoba:
  • Validate a link or connection to Manitoba through:
  • Support from friends or family living in the province.
  • Previous work experience or education in Manitoba.
  • An invitation to apply by the MPNP.
  • Note: Additional requirements may apply depending on the type of connection.
  • Work Experience:
  • Must have a least six months of relevant experience in an in-demand occupation.
  • Career Plan:
  • Submit a comprehensive Career Plan.
  • Age:
  • Be at least 18 years old.

Application Process

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI):

  • Submit an EOI by completing an online questionnaire.
  • Receive a score based on your responses.

     2. Invitation to Apply:

  • Applicants/ Candidates with the highest/ maximum scores may be requested to submit a full MPNP application.

    3. Provincial Nomination:

  • If your letter/ application submission is successful, you will obtain a provincial nomination from Manitoba.
  • Use this nomination to apply for permanent residency visas for yourself and your family through the Canadian federal government.
  • Express Entry candidates can apply through the Express Entry system.

Pathways and Requirements

Canadian Immigration Pathways

Category Is a Job Offer Required? Additional Requirements
Manitoba Express Entry Pathway No - Authenticate Rapid Entry profile with a Work Explorer / Seeker Validation Code.
-Least/ Minimum linguistic condition: CLB 6 for NOC B, and NOC 0 or A of CLB 7.  

- Adequate capitals for a six-month time period.

Human Capital Pathway No - Minimum language requirement: CLB 5 for NOC A, O, or B; CLB 6 for Obligatory Trades; CLB 7 for Regulated Occupations. 

- Completion of at least one post-secondary program of one year duration.

- If required, apply to the regulatory body for licensure or certification assessment.

- Adequate capitals for a six-month time period.

Manitoba Business Investor Stream

If you aspire to immigrate to Manitoba and engage in business activities, two ways are available for the same:

Farm Investor Pathway

  • Purpose: This pathway is tailored for individuals with farm business experience who wish to immigrate to Manitoba to establish and operate a farm.
  • Entrepreneur Pathway
  • Purpose: This pathway enables the province to recruit and nominate eligible foreign business owners who intend to:
  • Establish a new business.
  • Purchase an existing business.
  • Co-own an existing business.
  • Timeline: Business activities must be initiated within the arrival of first two years in Manitoba on a temporary work permit.

Application Details and Minimum Requirements

Application Fee

  • Fee: CAD $2,500

Processing Time

  • Duration: Approximately 6 months

Farm Investor Pathway

Process Overview

  1. Farm Research Visit: within one year before initiating the application process conduct a Farm Research Visit in Manitoba. 
  2. Submission:

  • Finish Farm Business Concept forms and Interest Guidelines.
  • Submit the forms along with the Code of Conduct for Immigration Representatives if required.

      3  Invitation:

  • If a Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) is received, proceed to submit an application for the Farm Investor Pathway.
  • You may be invited for an interview with an MPNP representative.

     4. Approval:

  • Upon approval, sign a Deposit Agreement and submit a deposit of CAD $75,000.
  • Receive nomination and apply for permanent residence with the Canadian federal government.

Minimum Requirements

  • Experience: At least three years of farm business management or ownership experience.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English or French.
  • Investment: Minimum investment of CAD $300,000.
  • Location: Intend to establish the farming business in rural Manitoba.
  • Plan: Comprehensive farm business plan should be submitted.
  • Residency: Intend to reside on the farm and actively participate in its management.
  • Net Worth: Have a net worth of at least CAD $500,000.

Entrepreneur Pathway

Process Overview

  1. Eligibility Check: Determine eligibility for the Entrepreneur Pathway.
  2. Preparation:

  • Research the business concept and explore Manitoba.
  • Prepare the Business Concept Form.

     3. Submission:

  • Expression of Interest (EOI) must be submitted along with the Business Concept Form, Code of Conduct, and Self-Assessment Form for Immigration Representatives if required.

     4. Invitation:

  • If selected, receive a Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA).
  • Submit a complete application to the MPNP and possibly attend an in-person interview.

     5. Approval:

  • On the approval of your papers/ application, sign a Business Performance Agreement (BPA).
  • Activate the business in Manitoba also for transparency and accountability provide regular apprises on its performance.

     6. Nomination:

  • Upon meeting BPA terms and conditions, receive provincial nomination.

    7. Permanent Residency:

  • Use the nomination to apply for permanent residency visas for yourself and your family through the Canadian federal government.

Minimum Requirements

  • Experience: Three years of experience as an active business owner or in senior management within the past five years.
  • Language Proficiency: Minimum language requirement of CLB 5.
  • Education: At least minimum high school certificate equivalent of Canadian Education System.
  • Investment: Minimum investment of CAD $150,000 or (outside Manitoba Capital Region) or CAD $250,000 (Manitoba Capital Region).
  • Job Creation: The corporate/ business must generate at least one job vacancy/ work opportunity for a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in Manitoba.
  • Plan: Submit a detailed business plan.
  • Research Visit: Conduct a Business Research Visit within one year before submitting an EOI.
  • Agreement: Sign a Business Performance Agreement after application approval.
  • Net Worth: Have a net worth of at least CAD $500,000.

International Education Stream (IES)

The International Education Stream (IES) is structured to offer expedited pathways to permanent residency for Manitoba graduates who fulfill industry demands. This stream encompasses three distinct pathways:

Career Employment Pathway

  • Purpose: Designed for post-secondary graduates with sustained employment in Manitoba within an in-demand occupation.
  • Graduate Internship Pathway
  • Purpose: Tailored for international graduates of Manitoba educational institutions who meet labor market demands.
  • Student Entrepreneur Pathway
  • Purpose: Geared towards graduates of Manitoba educational institutions aspiring to entrepreneurial ventures in the province.

Each pathway within the International Education Stream (IES) offers unique opportunities for graduates to accelerate their journey towards permanent residency in Manitoba, aligning closely with the province's economic and labor market requirements.

Application Details and Fees

Application Fee

  • Career Employment Pathway: CAD $500
  • Graduate Internship Pathway: CAD $500
  • International Scholar/ Student Entrepreneur Pathway: CAD $2,500

Processing Time

  • Duration: Approximately 6 months

Application Process

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI):

  • Initiate the process by completing an online questionnaire, resulting in a scored assessment.

     2. Invitation to Apply:

  • Highest-scoring candidates may receive an invitation to submit an MPNP application.

     3. Provincial Nomination:

  • On effective application submission, collect a regional/ provincial nomination from Manitoba.

     4. Federal Application:

  • Utilize the nomination to apply directly to the Canadian federal administration/ government for permanent citizenship visas for you and your dependents/ family.

Pathway Criteria

Career Employment Pathway

  • Job Offer Requirement: Yes
  • Minimum Requirements:
  • Graduation from a Manitoba post-secondary institution within the past three years.
  • Language proficiency of CLB 7.
  • Permanent/ Full-time job offers for minimum one year in an In-Demand Occupation.
  • Financial stability or employment in Manitoba.
  • Citizenship/ Residency in Manitoba at the period of request of application.

Graduate Internship Pathway

  • Job Offer Requirement: No
  • Minimum Requirements:
  • Master’s or doctoral degree from Manitoba within the past three years.
  • Language proficiency of CLB 7.
  • Completion of a Mitacs Elevate or Accelerate internship in Manitoba.
  • Financial stability or employment in Manitoba.
  • Residency in Manitoba at the time of application.

International Student Entrepreneur Pathway

  • Job Offer Requirement: No
  • Minimum Requirements:
  • Tendering of an all-inclusive corporate/ business plan.
  • Regular operation of the corporate/ business in Manitoba for at least six months before nomination.
  • Ownership of at least 51% of the business.
  • Language proficiency of CLB 7.
  • Conclusion of a full-time/ permanent post-secondary edification program in Manitoba lasting at least two years.
  • Age between Twenty-One (21) and Thirty-Five (35) years.
  • Financial stability.
  • Possession of a valid open work permit or Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP).
  • Residency in Manitoba since graduation.
  • Intent to continue residing in Manitoba.
  • Signing of a Business Performance Agreement post-approval.

Morden Community-Driven Immigration Initiative

Location Overview

  • Location: Morden, Manitoba, situated 112 km southwest of Winnipeg.
  • Objective: Actively seeking new immigrants in specific occupations to address the town's labor market needs.
  • Outcome: Successful candidates will attain permanent residency in Canada.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Requirements:
  • Age, education, language, and work experience must meet specified criteria.
  • No existing connection to any other part of Canada.
  • Intention to reside in Morden.
  • Financial capacity for settlement.

How Does Manitoba PNP Work?

Application Process

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI):

  • Finish an online inquiry form/ questionnaire to start the procedure.
  • Receive a score based on provided answers.

     2. Invitation:

  • Highest-scoring candidates may be invited to submit an MPNP application.

     3   Provincial Nomination:

  • On successful submission of the application form, receive a regional/ provincial recommendation from Manitoba.

     4. Permanent Residency:

  • Utilize the nomination to apply directly to the Canadian federal government for permanent residency visas for oneself and family members.
  • For Express Entry candidates, this can be done through the Express Entry system.

     5. Additional Steps:

  • Business Investor stream applicants may have supplementary requirements.

Points Requirement for Manitoba PNP

  • Minimum Points: The minimum number of points needed for Manitoba immigration may vary for each draw.
  • Recent Draws: Refer to the list of recent PNP draws or the CanadaVisa PNP Finder for updated information.
  • Note: There is no minimum point requirement for the International Education Stream.

Job Offer Requirement for Manitoba PNP

  • Skilled Worker Overseas Stream and Business Investor Stream: No job offer required.
  • International Education Stream:
  • Not Required: For candidates using the Student Entrepreneur Pathway or Career Employment Pathway.
  • Required: For candidates utilizing the Graduate Internship Pathway.

Popular Universities and Colleges in Manitoba


  • University of Manitoba
  • University of Winnipeg
  • Booth University
  • Brandon University
  • University College of the North
  • Canadian Mennonite University
  • Université de Saint-Boniface


  • Providence University College
  • CDI College Winnipeg
  • Assiniboine Community College
  • École Technique et Professionnelle
  • International College of Manitoba
  • Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology

Disclaimer: The information provided regarding the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) serves as a general guide and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Candidates are encouraged to conduct thorough research and seek independent counsel to assess their eligibility and understand the program's requirements fully. The MPNP's policies and criteria may change over time, and it is the candidate's responsibility to stay updated on any revisions or updates. By using this information, candidates acknowledge that they are solely responsible for their decisions and actions related to immigration to Manitoba through the MPNP.
